Well, it's been a while since posting, due to my mother being seriously ill and having to go down to stay in England for more than two weeks, with no internet access. I had laid the picture aside, because it had gone slightly awry. I wanted to paint the pale mist over the dark sky and blend it, but I thought it would maybe stay cleaner if I sprayed the sky with fixative first. Big mistake! Don't know if the fixative was old, but a dark spray of speckles all over the sky was the result. So I had redo the sky when I got back, and have now finished the foreground. It is rather different from the reference, but an improvement on the photo I think. I kind of lost the impetus with the long and stressful break, so it's not my best work.
Still, onwards and upwards! Have started on an altogether different picture, a sunset over the Cuillins, so lots of lovely colour and cheerfulness.